ChessBase 16

Standard repertoires

Standard repertoires

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Standard repertoires

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It is possible to get access from the server pre-prepared, up-to-date repertoires. That makes available another easy option for extending existing repertoires.


Standard repertoires


This option is also available in the bar at the bottom of the screen when you have loaded your repertoire. The program thus offers you for the most important opening systems access to complete opening surveys, which you can include in your existing repertoire with a few clicks.


Each of the repertoires on offer can be tailored or the view can be made to fit your requirements. This setting can be found in the left-hand window.  With the settings “Easy” and “Club” the repertoires are clearly laid out; these settings are appropriate if you want to get a quick overview of an opening system.




With the settings “Tournament” or “Professional”  the representation of the variation tree becomes correspondingly more detailed and complex.


The form of presentation is guided by the rankings chosen when creating opening surveys.