ChessBase 16

Hints for working on your repertoire

Hints for working on your repertoire

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Hints for working on your repertoire

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With a click on “Load White” your White repertoire is loaded into the notation window. Moves with “*” are highlighted as relevant, moves with “**” as important.


The structure of the notation is managed automatically. A variation becomes a main variation the more moves, highlighted moves and important moves it contains. Highlighted moves count for more than simple moves and important moves are even more significant. So it can happen that after the highlighting of a move the hierarchy of variations changes.


The notation under “My Moves” is independent of the game which has just been loaded. Using the key combination Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V you can copy a game from the main notation under “My Moves”.


Hint: Nothing is saved if you do not then highlight moves in variations. In order to get the moves into the repertoire and saved it is absolutely necessary to highlight the appropriate relevant moves!


Tip:  At any time when the tab “My Moves” is open you can secure the repertoire which has been loaded in a database via File -> Save.