ChessBase 16

Organising repertoires

Organising repertoires

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Organising repertoires

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The program offers you the option of storing your opening repertoire online. This means that from any computer with an internet link and a browser you can have access to your personal opening repertoire. The White and Black repertoires are managed separately and saved on our servers.


At many places in the program you will find functions with which you can mark moves as relevant for your repertoire (My moves).


The “central hub” for the administration of the repertoire saved under “My moves” can be found in the board window under the heading Training.




In the board window the functions “Load White” and “Load Black” load the repertoire which has been saved online.


Included with the program is access to standard up-to-date repertoires.


That makes available to you another easy option for building on your existing repertoires.


We offer prep-prepared opening repertoires divided into White and Black and further subdivided into different levels from “Easy” up to very complex variation trees.


Click on Training – Standard Repertoires:




In this way the program offers you access to complete opening surveys of the most important opening systems! A few clicks will clarify what is on offer here.


These surveys are excellently suited to the learning of new openings; for the club player as a rule knowledge of the most important main variations is enough. Each of the repertoires on offer or the way it is viewed can be tailored to your needs.


We choose these settings in the pane on the left.  The settings “Easy” and “Club” present the repertoires in very clear fashion; they are the settings you need whenever you are seeking a quick overview of an opening system.  With the settings “Tournament” and “Professional” the representation of the variation tree becomes correspondingly more detailed and more complex.


You can work on these repertoire surveys, extending them and tailoring them to your needs! The function “Upload to My Moves” integrates the survey into your own opening repertoire on the server.

