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Automatic analysis of server games

Automatic analysis of server games

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Automatic analysis of server games

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Blitz or rapid chess games on the server are of course extremely helpful in practical training. But in addition, people would always like to know where the might have played a better move or the point at which promising continuations were missed.


Here too the program can help. Fritz is analysing the game in the background while the user is actually playing it on the server. After the game has finished the user gets a complete analysis of possible mistakes and missed chances.


If there should be no analysis in the game notation, this can have one of two causes:


the game was played with extremely short thinking times.
The continuations in the game were correct or else the performance of the computer used is not good enough to generate the analysis.


For a game the program points out to the user missed chances and possibilities which he or she can see immediately when playing through it.


The access client of Fritz saves you own server games directly into the database “MyInternetGames”. These can be loaded directly from the client or with the chess program.


Menu Enter & Analyse – Start – Database.


Some of the games with embedded analysis are highlighted in colour in the list by means of medals.


Load Game


You can load the database MyInternetGames in Fritz and spot games directly thanks to the coloured highlights or commentary symbols in the games list and then load them for analysis.


Fritz supplements the notation with some training questions. The program goes directly to the critical position and offers you the chance to find the better move yourself.



The database MyInternetGames


The database MyInternetGames is saved in the user’s folder.