Enter & Analyse
One of the most important situations users will find themselves in is entering and analysing games. There can be no active tournament player who does not employ the program for the analysis of his or her own games.
These functions can be accessed from the starting screen under Enter & Analyse.
Just like in the Easy game mode, you will find in analysis mode an interface which has been optimised for this specific situation. All those functions which are relevant to the inputting and analysing of games are available, but not those for playing games!
Important new functions in Fritz are:
Assisted Analysis
In analysis mode there is support for Assisted Analysis, the new function introduced in ChessBase 14. What does Assisted Analysis mean then? The simplest way to understand the feature is by trying it out.
The following position is taken from the game Kasparov – Petrosian, Moscow 1981.
Kasparov played 36. Ra1 and Black’s position looks to be endangered. If you move the mouse cursor over the chess board and turn the mouse wheel, the black queen will be highlighted with a green frame.
Like this the function offers a hint as to which piece is to be moved. A mouse click on the black queen then throws up the following image:
The program gives to the user a display in which colours are employed to show the possible squares to which the selected piece can move. The colours of these highlights are based on the evaluations of the chess engine which is at work in the background.
In our example interpretation is simple. A safe and also the best target square is e7 (highlighted in green), unsafe squares are displayed highlighted in red. Petrosian, moreover, played the move suggested and later went on to win the game!
You will find further information on Assisted Analysis here …..
Tactical analysis
Tactical Analysis was introduced with ChessBase 14 and replaces the version of Full Analysis which was implemented in earlier versions of the program.
This function is available under Analysis – Full Analysis. Then when a game is loaded the dialog box for Tactical Analysis will be started.
Tactical Analysis analyses in one session either an individual or several game(s). The difference from Infinite Analysis is significant. If you consider games with an engine in the mode Infinite Analysis, you only ever see the best moves displayed. This really results in an incomplete fashion of looking at the position, because the user does not get any immediate and specific evaluation of the alternatives. It is only when you input your own alternatives in this mode that you will receive a specific evaluation.
Tactical Analysis offers the advantage that the program does more than just highlight bad moves. The user obtains from the program a plethora of information concerning the opening, critical positions, alternatives and threats! By means of graphic commentary the program inserts tips about manoeuvres, threats and possible plans.
The analysis is supplemented with the insertion of diagrams and comments in natural language. The user is stimulated by the insertion of training questions to deal quite concretely with the analyses which leads to more intensive training. The description shows that Tactical Analysis provides the user with an extremely multi-facetted tool for the analysis of his or her own games.
In order to get to know / try out the function, load into the board window a game without any commentary and start Analysis – Full Analysis. Activate the Training option in the settings. You should not set the thinking time at too high a level in order for the analysis to be completed rapidly. On a fast modern computer, even with a short thinking time this form of analysis will provide you with plausible and reliable results. To be on the safe side, select between five and eight seconds per move.
Tip: Be aware that in the setup dialog the program actually makes a recommendation as to the time you should choose!
The program starts the analysis with the engine which has been listed as the default one.
After Tactical Analysis the previously unannotated game contains a complete analysis including embedded training questions.
Tactical Analysis as implemented in Fritz offers two more innovations. It also displays – as previously described – variations which are somewhat better than the move played in the game.
A further useful piece of help and guidance as you play through a game is offered by the evaluation profile integrated into the game. Throughout the game this evaluation profile displays graphically the evaluations of positions carried out by the chess program running in the background. By means of this evaluation profile underneath the notation it is possible when playing through the game to see at a glance when the game tipped one way or the other.
More information on tactical analysis ……..