Import analysis into openings book
Analysis – Openings book – Add priority analysis
Imports the variations of a specified database and marks the moves as preferred tournament moves. In effect, the program is learning from the analysis of the grandmasters.
The analysis is incorporated as (green) tournament moves.
In the dialog box that appears you can specify how the individual lines will be treated:
Repertoire White: Every white move becomes a tournament move, black moves are ignored.
Repertoire Black: Every black move becomes a tournament move, white moves are ignored.
Moves that are annotated with a question mark are not played in tournament mode, and appear red in the book window.
! = Only move: This option makes moves that are annotated with an exclamation mark the only moves that will be played. They appear green in the book window, while all alternatives become red (i.e., they won't be played in serious tournament games).