ChessBase 16

Other options for working on the repertoire

Other options for working on the repertoire

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Other options for working on the repertoire

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Furthermore, there are other options for designating specific moves or variations as relevant for your repertoire.


You will also find these options in the program’s other modes.


Right click menu in the notation -> “My moves”.
Right click menu in LiveBook
Bar at the bottom of LiveBook




The repertoire trees for White and Black which gradually form are saved online. You can not only view or edit the repertoire from ChessBase. This function is available from any computer with an activated ChessBase Account. So, with this procedure you have access to your openings from any computer linked to the internet.


The information is available for registered users from any platform. If, for example, you are following games from our news pages or live broadcasts you will find the relevant opening moves from your repertoire highlighted in colour. That means that when you still playing through a game you can spot at a glance just how relevant the move played in the game is for your repertoire!