ChessBase 16

Live databases

Live databases

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Live databases

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Are you interested in games, innovations or tactical moments from present-day, live tournament practice? If so, the software offers you a simple way to get at interesting games immediately.


In directory listings displayed on the left of the ChessBase database window there is the new entry “Live”.


Access Live Database


Here you can see at a glance all the live tournaments which are taking place at the moment and which are being broadcast on our server and thus you can gain direct access to the games. A double click on the relevant database symbol immediately starts the list view with the games which can be loaded with a double click just like from any other database.


In addition, you will find under “Tactics” and “Novelties” two special databases:


“Novelties” contains all up-to-date theoretical trends which have been discovered in the live games from recent days.


“Tactics” provides simple tactical exercises from the current live games, often soon after the game has finished.

