ChessBase 16

Real 3D Board

Real 3D Board

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Real 3D Board

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Board Window: Board - 3D Board


Select a Board



Click Settings to configure the 3D board. Move the board by right-clicking on the margin, then moving the mouse without holding down the button. Click again to release the mouse coupling.


Keyboard navigation:

.: Rotate right

,: Rotate left

9: Move view point to the left

0: Move view point to the right

v: Move board up

z: Move board down

i: Move board closer


Note: There is also a key which moves the board further away, but it has been assigned to "Overview". When you change the shortcut for "Overview" to e.g. Shift-O, by means of menu: Tools - Customize, then the "o"-key will move function.

You need DirectX for the 3D board. Also a fast graphics adapter for smooth operation in real time play.