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Winning trophies

Winning trophies

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Winning trophies

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In the game against the chess program, the user can win 136 different trophies.


Some of the criteria are simple, such as a closed center or bishop pair. These trophies can therefore be quickly added to your balance sheet. Some trophies are much more demanding in terms of criteria, here are a few examples.


Advance of a passed pawn
Knight outpost
Opponent's king is insecure
Space advantage or sharp position




The crowning glory with the more heavily weighted criteria are trophies such as queen sacrifice, mate with knight, rook captured, and many more.


Trophies are available in three levels: Bronce, Silver, Gold. For trivial trophies such as capturing back, for example, the event must occur ten times on the board before this trophy is awarded.


For more difficult criteria such as mate with bishop, a reward is given the first time.


The silver and gold trophies are awarded for repeating the trophy event very often.



The counted events are displayed in the engine window. The numbers show the distance to the next level, in this case silver.


There is a ranking list for each trophy.




When you call up your trophy list, click on the relevant symbol on the following web page to see the ranking list.




Rankings are usually already a reward for chess players, but we have come up with something special: winning trophies is rewarded with digital trading cards in your ChessBase account. Do you know Panini albums? Then you know all about it.




If you take back a move, the trophy event count for that game will be suspended. This makes it more difficult to "compose" trophies. However, you can use any tips you like and change your opponent's playing strength.


If you continue a game after restarting Fritz, the counting of trophy events starts again after six moves, in the opening immediately.

