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FAQ about the 2CBH format

FAQ about the 2CBH format

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FAQ about the 2CBH format

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Can I use my older databases in the old data format with the new version?

Yes, you can continue to use and edit databases in the older database formats. As the older data formats do not support some of the new functions, you should generally work with the new *.2cbh data format. The conversion works in both directions (new and older data formats without any problems)



Can I use my backup copies in CBV format with the new program version?

Yes, that works. Open the CBV backup copy to be opened in the file selection dialog. If you archive a database in the new 2CBH format, you cannot open this archive file with older program versions or our chess programs. The new data format is not supported by the older program versions!

So if you want to pass on a backup copy in CBV format, first convert to the older CBH format and make a backup copy of the CBH database in CBV format.