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Visual Evaluation

Visual Evaluation

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Visual Evaluation

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Since the first engine analysis in Fritz under DOS in the early 90s, the concept has remained more or less unchanged: the evaluation of a position is done in the form of numbers and letters. The evaluation in the form of pawn units gives the user clear indications of the estimation of the current board position by a chess engine, the visual display goes one step further.


The programme visualises the placement of the pieces, pawn structure, king security, general activity and the sharpness of the position as a graphic display in the engine window. The user thus sees at "first glance" how the engine evaluates the aforementioned important factors.


Note: via right click in the engine window you can switch between variant board and visual display.The visual evaluation is available in every engine window: Right click -> Visual evaluation




In the engine window, move the mouse over the activated visual evaulation.




This changes the display in the board window.


Marks in the Board window


So if you move the mouse over the area of the visual assessments in the engine window, the individual pieces are marked on the board, which gives more information, especially in the case of the pawns.


The colour marking of each piece shows how well it is placed. The interpretation of the visual display is simple, it works as usual according to the traffic light principle. Green is very good, red very bad. In the case of the king, the king's security is given high weighting; in the case of the pawns, the quality of the pawn structure and the power of passed pawns are added.


Below the piece symbols, the visual display of the input window shows the mobility and activity for Black and White in five levels. The rating of the engine is shown with the small cogs.


The classification of sharpness/complexity of a position in five levels (one to five flames) is particularly interesting.




You can see immediately if there is a sharp tactical position on the board!