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Options - Clocks and Notation

Options - Clocks and Notation

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Options - Clocks and Notation

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Menu File– Options – Clocks and Notation




Digital / Analog / Double digital: Choose the type of chess clock you want.


Logo in clock: Displays the logo of the active chess engine to the right of the chess clock.


Figurine / KQNBRP: Choose between letters and figurines for piece names. This applies to the screen and printed notation.


1.d4 / 1.d2-d4: Choose either short or long algebraic notation. The latter always gives the start and destination squares of the move. It is more easily understood by beginners, and it is automatically set if you specify that you are an beginner when you install the program. In short algebraic the start square is not given if the move is unambiguous.



Time Difference - Shows the different individual time consumption of the chess clocks.


Logo in Clock - Does the logo in the display of the Chess clock


Store thinking time: The time each side uses is recorded after each move in the notation.


Store evaluations: This causes the program to record after every move its evaluation and the search depth. The form is value/depth.


Store expected move: The program records the move it expected whenever the opponent plays something different.
Evaulation You can customize the display in the Engine window. Optionally, the evaluation display by means of numerical value (pawn units) or in the form of win probabilities. The display of both values is also possible - not with all engines.