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Different versions

Different versions

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Different versions

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As part of the bundle you will find three different versions:  Version 1 for CUDA (NVIDIA), one for OpenCL (all graphics cards), one for the CPU (main processor).


The CUDA version can operate in two modes: on RTX cards in RTX mode and otherwise in CUDA mode. The engine was tested in combination with a RTX 2080.


Performance differs greatly according to the setting on the test computer:


The RTX version brings 100% performance.


The CUDA version on the same GPU (graphics processor) 45%.


The OpenCL version on the same GPU (graphics processor) 20%.


The CPU version (main processor) with an 8 core CPU 0.02%.


Users with AMD graphics cards can use exclusively the OpenCL version. Tests with a computer without a separate graphics card show that the performance with very old or simple graphics cards will not be much better than when using the pure CPU version.


All three versions which access the resources of the graphics card are limited to 2 cores. The value may change but expanding the number harms more than bringing any further benefit.