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3D GPU Hardware raytracing (DX12)

3D GPU Hardware raytracing (DX12)

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3D GPU Hardware raytracing (DX12)

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The technique used to render is known as DXR, short for DirectX raytracing, it a method which relies heavily on the graphics card ( GPU). The GPU needs to be capable of DXR which currently is supported by NVIDIA RTX series of cards. It is similar to the Raytracing boards described in the previous chapter, with the big difference is that all the calculations are done on the GPU.  For this to work you also need to have your Windows 10 updated to latest release.


In the right lower corner you see an indication the of quality of the image. If it is near 100 % the image won't be improved any further.


Every time the position of the board is changed, the image generation must start again. Also, when you change the camera or light settings, the image need to be recalculated.






Sun Light

If this box is checked, the light will mimics the sun light.


Follow Sun

If enabled, the position of the sun lights will follow the location of the real sun as possible, if an approximate of your location is accessible then every 5 minutes the lights will be recalculated. If disabled you can change the position of the Sun.



This is the thickness of the air. If this value is low, the air might appear clear and bluer. If this value is high, the air appears more like a warm sunny day.



If enabled the color information will be used to render the image



If enabled the light calculations will be more accurately



If Enabled the diffuse light will be contributed to the overall image



If enabled the specular highlights will be visible


Direct Light

If enabled the direct light component will be added to the overall image


Indirect Light

If enabled, the indirect light will be visible


Max Path

This is a setting for the raytracer how many times a ray  an be bounced onto another surface before its final color is determined.



How many samples per pixel are used.


Max Hit

This is a setting for the raytracer how many times a ray can hit onto another surface before its final color is determined.



This is the overall roughness of the scenery, the higher the setting the rougher the surfaces of the materials will appear.