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Extended Engine Information

Extended Engine Information

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Extended Engine Information

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In the analysis mode the standard engine displays new information in the engine window.


Right clicking in the engine window opens a context menu.





Next Best calculates the second best alternative for continuing. While the engine is calculating this information can be accessed faster by typing the key Y. At the beginning of the engine window the best line found so far is displayed in light gray letters.


After this possible alternatives are displayed.


Tip: This information is at the beginning of the list view. If you cannot see this information use the scroll bar to scroll back to the beginning of the list.


Hint: The next best move option is only available while the engine is only analysing one line.


The program has options for the function „Next best move“.The function Next best move calculates alternatives to the main line. While the engine is thinking this information can be accessed directly by typing the letter Y, which is faster than accessing this function via a context menu.


At the top of the engine windows you can see the best alternative moves, shaded grey. „Look for a better move“ tells the engine to search for moves that have a higher evaluation.


Display of the current main line

At the bottom of the engine window the line that is currently being examined is displayed.The main advantage of this display is that it is constantly updated even if the best line displayed remains unchanged during lengthy processing.