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Adjust thinking time

Adjust thinking time

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Adjust thinking time

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Program ’s animated 3D displays demand a lot of resources from the computer.




A powerful graphics card is necessary to guarantee smooth performance. The performance of the 3d graphics display can be adjusted using the menu Settings - General.




You can use the slider to decide how much processor time the CPU uses to render the 3D images. If the graphics module is given a large amount of time there will be less resources remaining for the chess engine, which leads to a weakening of the playing strength. If you want the chess engine to play strong chess in 3D graphics mode you should choose a low value for the rendering.


If you enable the display of the picture’s refresh you will see as a permanent display in the top left corner how often the graphics are redrawn.


If you are using a multiprocessor system the 3d graphics will be handled by one of the CPUs. The chess engine will then be able to use 100% of the resources of the other CPUs.


It can take a long time for the Chess Turk to be displayed, depending on the computer’s hardware configuration. This time can be speeded up by selecting a simpler 3D display before ending the program. This setting is then stored. The next time the chess Turk is selected it will take less time to load him.