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Chatter window

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Chatter window

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View – Chatter





During a game the program will also chatter in written form, (“Don’t you think that’s a wee bit daring?”). This is normally displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen, but you can give it a separate window where it is easier to read. As with the spoken “Talk”, these remarks depend on the progress of the game and the last move played.




Here are some examples from well over a thousand that might be used:


"Another game? Sure, why not. Why not indeed."

"Normally I'd fight you to the death, but in this case I'll make an exception. I accept the draw."

"I can't believe it. How could anyone play so badly! I resign. Congratulations."

"Damnation, a check. You know how I hate that, Frederic!"

"Outplayed by a human! How very, very embarrassing!"

"I believe you have taken back three moves now."

"Wooosh, right across the board!"