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Elo list

Elo list

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Elo list

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At the bottom of the Elo list window there are a number of buttons. They allow you to sort the list alphabetically, according to ratings or number of games, etc.


Elo List Options


Here are what the buttons in the Elo rating display do:


Generate/do-it.gif   Sort A-Z: Sorts the list alphabetically according to the players' names.


Generate/do-it.gif   Sort Elo: Sorts the list according to Elo rating (default).


Generate/do-it.gif   Sort games: Sorts the list according to the number of tournament games.


Generate/do-it.gif   Delete: Allows you to mark players and remove them from the list.


Generate/do-it.gif   Gauge: Allows you to rescale or gauge the list by adding or subtracting a certain percentage from each player.


Generate/do-it.gif   Clip: Copies the whole list to the Windows clipboard. You can then paste it into a word processor or spread sheet.


Generate/do-it.gif   Tournaments: Displays a list of all the tournaments which were used to create the list.


Generate/do-it.gif   Career: Displays a list of the tournaments in which the selected player participated.


Generate/do-it.gif   Clean up: Removes all players who have been inactive for more than six years, counted from the last tournament that was evaluated from the list.


Generate/do-it.gif   Show all: Displays all players who were evaluated, including those for whom the number of games were too small for a correct rating.


Generate/do-it.gif   Year limit: Allows you to restrict the list to tournaments played before a certain period.