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Board – DGT Board




The program makes contact with the outside world via a serial cable to the outside world. Currently, two drivers are included:


Generate/do-it.gif   DGT-Board: This driver allows you to use the intelligent sensor board produced by the Dutch company DGT. The board can identify different pieces (i.e., it can tell whether there is a white bishop or a black knight on a square). If you switch on “Announce moves” in the Tools – Options – Multimedia menu, the program announces its moves verbally, so you don’t even have to look at the screen.




The connection between the board and the PC can be over 10 meters long, and many of the functions (new game, setup position) can be executed without touching the PC.



The program can also be connected to the DGT XL Chess Clock. This clock displays the time and also the moves that are played. This means you can play on the DGT board, with the clock attached, and you can read the moves of the chess engine off the display of the chess clock.