ChessBase 14

Finding Games

Finding Games

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Finding Games

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How to find games by



Opening Reference

Openings key

Openings report



Players, Tournaments, Source, Annotator, Team

Double click a database symbol in the database window. In the database browser, click the tabs Players, Tournaments, Annotators, Sources, Teams to see the related index.

Alternatively, you can use the search mask in any games list to filter the list by those attributes.



Double click a database symbol in the database window. In the database browser, click the tab Endgames. If the database has no endgame key installed, click on the button Install big key to create an endgame key for it.

Alternatively, you can use the search mask in any games list to filter it by material. Or check the final material column in the games list.


Positions and Patterns

You can filter any games list by positional patterns using the position tab in the search mask.


See also:


Filtering a games list

Sorting a games list

Finding games online