ECO classification |
The abbreviation ECO stands for “Encyclopedia of Chess Openings” , a standard reference for openings that is published by the Chess Informant. Individual variations of an opening are denoted by abbreviations like “C43” (Petroff with 3.d4) or “D89” (Grunfeld Indian Exchange – main line). The system has become universally accepted and is also used by ChessBase.
In the search mask you can specify a range of openings (and combine this with players, length, result, etc.). Click on the ECO checkbox and enter ECO codes, e.g.
The number behind the slash in the code (“/99”) denotes the subvariations. The ECO code is embedded in all games supplied by ChessBase and displayed in the games list. If a set of game you get from somewhere else does not contain or has incorrect ECO codes you can have them inserted by ChessBase.
Use Games list: Games – Set ECO codes
This will insert or correct the ECO codes in all the games.