Automatically paste PGN and FEN

The program constantly checks or monitors the contents of the Windows clipboard. With the key combination CTRL-C you can copy a chess position (FEN) or a complete game notation(PGN) from a mail, a website or a text editor. Since these formats are based on pure ASCII text and are therefore universally used by many programs, you can quickly and efficiently pro-cess the data with the program.


For example, if you select a PGN game from a mail or a text editor by pressing Ctrl-C, a board window with this game will open automatically in ChessBase. If you copy a FEN position by Ctrl-C, the position input dialog opens in ChessBase with this position.


Just try it yourself. Select and copy the FEN string below and copy it to the Windows clipboard.


8/5k2/4p3/6P1/5P2/5K1R/8/1r6 b - - 0 99


The dialog for the position input is started with the position, a click on OK transfers the position to the board window.


You can edit and analyze the position.




If you copy aPGN file to the clipboard, the game notation incl. the characteristic data - if available - will be taken over directly into a new board window.