Search mask – Material |
Search mask, Material.
Searching for pre-defined constellations of material has been simplified. In the search mask you define you define your search for specific distributions of material via the tab Material.
The search for material was and is an efficient tool, but in earlier versions the definition of the search parameters was in no way easy. Here CB 15 offers some functions which help to make this efficient tool simpler to use.
A click on Examples in the dialog box offers a selection of typical material constellations, which are frequently the object of searches:
Let us take as an example the first entry for the distribution K+R +B – K+R. A double click on the entry and you will see the required parameters transferred into the search mask.
There is an important function for the button “Position setup”. With it you start to set up a position and simply enter the desired material constellation.
After inputting the position and OK you will also see the effects it has in the search dialog.
At any point you can make use of the additional parameters in the search dialog in order to fine-tune your search. The result of the search will be displayed in the window Search result. A click on a list or game entry loads the game immediately with the key position according to the search criteria in the board window.
How to define material distribution
Examples 1. Search for material imbalance in which Black has two or three pawns less: Click “Any pieces” and then “Difference” Enter a difference for black pawns: minus three to minus two. Deactivate the “Ignore colour” option, otherwise you will also get games in which White was down by two or three pawns.
2. Search for positions in which one side has a pawn for the exchange: Activate “Difference” White rooks: “1” – “2”, difference: “-1” – “-1” (one side has one or two rooks, the other a rook less). White Bishops: “0” – “2”, difference: “-1” – “2” White knights: “0” – “2”, difference: “-1” – “2” (these two lines are not important and simply set upper limits for each minor piece type). White pawns: “0” – “8”, difference “1” – “1” (the side with a rook less has an extra pawn). White minor pieces: “0” – “4”, difference “1” – “1” (the side with a rook less has an extra minor piece).
These last two lines are crucial for defining “pawn for the exchange”.
Other criteria
Under both the white and black material you can specify whether doubled, passed or connected pawns may or may not be present. “Doubled” means that doubled pawns must be present, “!Doubled” that they may not be present, i.e. a match will only occur if no doubled pawns (for that side) occurred during the game. The same applies for "!Passed" and "!Connect".
Both sides have a single piece each on the different or same coloured squares.
At least one bishop is present with a majority of the opponent’s pawns on the same colour and a majority of its own pawns on the opposite colour squares. “Bad bishop” is the opposite. If you click on both the program will retrieve games in which one side had a good and the other a bad bishop.
All pawns of one side are blocked. “Not blocked” means that a majority of the pawns are not blocked. If both are clicked on then at least two thirds of the pawns of one side must be blocked.
Both White and Black have the same number of pawns on each file. “Not symmetric” means there is a difference on at least one file.
There is at least one pawn on the queenside (a to d files) and one on the kingside (e to h). “One wing” means that all pawns are on one side only.
The material balance must be on the board for at least n moves. The definition of these criteria may not seem easy or immediately intuitive, but it is extremely flexible and allows you formulate a vast number of different kinds of material distribution. |