ChessBase 16

Use of colours for variations within the notation!

Use of colours for variations within the notation!

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Use of colours for variations within the notation!

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Games deeply annotated with variations, as e.g. opening analyses, are much more clearly structured with ChessBase 14 and much more readable.


The program makes it possible to steer one’s way through deeply nested variation trees; this is enabled with the support of colours.


The settings for how the notation is displayed are chosen under Menu File – Options – Notation.




Here we have the heading “Dye actual Variations”. It is easy to find out for yourself how it works by giving it a try.

There follows an example with the setting “Structured variations” but without the present variation being highlighted in colour.

Example 1

After the option has been chosen things look like this:


When playing through the game, you spot within the notation alternative moves which are at the same hierarchical level because they are highlighted with the same colour. The alternatives to the present variation are pointed out to you with colour, as are the move order leading to the present position and what the continuation looks like.


It is easy to learn about the function of the button "Text colour/Variations" by trying it out.  In the colour palette set the colour you wish to be used for textual commentary within variations.


You can immediately check the result in the game notation.