ChessBase 16

Typical tactical positions in an opening variation

Typical tactical positions in an opening variation

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Typical tactical positions in an opening variation

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Important for the handling of an opening is a solid feeling for the tactical motifs in the typical structures. You can set up a targeted search for tactical motifs in selected opening systems Sie.


The function is started in the board window -> Report -> Similar Tactics




The program first of all starts a long list of all games which are close to the current pawn structure and fit the extended ECO sector.


The search mask is started: in the game data there is already the defined ECO sector,




under Position you will find the pawn structure.




As a rule you will want to refine the search, e.g. by limiting to one specific player, etc. You can do that via the various tabs in the search mask.


Take care that you also define the pawn structure by means of the Or/and Exclude board in the position search!


You can further limit the search cleverly by in the game data requiring, e.g., short wins by White. But that means missing out on all combinations played by Black.


In these games then tactics are searched for up to a pre-determined move. After the conclusion (or the stopping) of the search the material which has been found is written into a database as training positions. In doing so the program automatically starts the file dialog in which you can determine a name for the database into which the games which have been found are saved.


A search for tactics is relatively slow because the function necessarily requires an engine to check the solutions.