ChessBase 16

Saving games

Saving games

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Saving games

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When you enter a game it is initially only stored in memory. Use Save or Save Game as to store it permanently in a database. A save window appears in which you can type in all the relevant data about the game.


Please read carefully Changed coventions ....





The game (or database text) are stored at the end of the database.


You can also store a Game in the Cloud directly.


Save a Game


If you opened the board window (Ctrl-N) from a database window, the game is already linked to a database and can be saved there without further query. You can save it in a different database by using Save as, which produces a file selector in which you can browse for the database you want. The file selector also appears if you use Save with a game not opened in a database.


The “Board Points” option can be selected for tournament data.


Board points


This means that tournament tables are displayed according to board points rather than team points, as is the case at events such as Olympiads.