ChessBase 16

Registering for web functions

Registering for web functions

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Registering for web functions

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In the Home Menu you will find the registration box for the use of the web-based services offered by the program.  This is where for the whole time you are working you can log in for the web-based services offered by the program.


A click on “Login” starts the dialogue.







Create new player name” allows you to enter a new player name.


Should you – like the majority of users of CB – already have registered for an account with ChessBase enter your own data, i.e. user name and password. “Save password” makes access easier when you re-start the program, since you do not have to enter your access data each time.


After you have registered there is a simple way to check whether your log-in has worked. A click on “” in the bottom left of the window starts the access to the chess server with your user name. Unlike in earlier versions of the program, therefore, you do not have to keep on entering your access data because the login now follows “seamlessly”.


The panel reappears in those windows which require logging in to a server.


These are as follows:


1. Chess server: login is automatic. You can start working immediately.


2. Games cloud: here too the login is automatic. But there is the additional option of working on the databases offline.


3. Engine cloud: here too the login is automatic. You can start working immediately.


4. Online database:  if your ChessBase account has premium access and you are logged in, when you access the online database you also receive games in annotated form.


5. Let's Check / Live book: automatic login only works here if you have indicated this in the appropriate setup dialog.

The entries for name and password are prefilled with your CB Account data. Otherwise there is no change here from the previous version.


6. Games subscriptions:  here too, login is automatic. If you have already registered your weekly games updates under your CB account, there is no more you need to do. Everything works as previously.