ChessBase 16

Notation Window Toolbar

Notation Window Toolbar

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Notation Window Toolbar

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In the board window there is a toolbar that contains the most important functions for editing the notation.




These buttons allow you to easily enter comments or change the structure of the notation.


The program first checks to see if there is any text in the game notation. It first checks the “All” section before going on to check all other languages for comments. If no text is found then the default program language is used as before.




Entering moves has been made much easier.


The variation dialog pops up less often, and if an alternative move is entered in the notation a variation is usually created without a variation dialog being displayed. If the User press the CTRL Key when he inserts an alternative Move, then the old Variation dialog with the different options is shown on the Screen.


The variation dialog is displayed if an alternative move to the last move is entered, because this is a case in which errors frequently have to be corrected.


Tip: The menu Home –> Undo takes back the last changes.




It is even faster to use the key combination CTRL-Z.