ChessBase 16

Marking variations with Reference

Marking variations with Reference

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Marking variations with Reference

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With its rapid interpretation of the statistics for any given position, the reference search in the program offers indispensable help in the study of new opening systems. At a glance the user can gain a concrete impression of the value of any specific continuation.


The moves played so far from the current position on the board are displayed. In the columns for Games, Points, Last played, Hot, etc. you will find an evaluation by the program, always from the point of view of White. This window provides you with a first overview of the existing possibilities and how reliable these are.


Click on one of the moves and it will be executed on the board (and included in the notation) and the statistics will be brought up to date.


If you keep your reference database, i.e. the Mega database, bang up-to-date with the latest games downloads, then the program marks new and above all very successful variations with an "!" after the move.




Note: This information can be found exclusively with an updated Mega! For the marking of a variation the trend in recent months is evaluated.


Tip: Are there clearly too few games shown in the reference display although there are clearly more games available in the reference database?


Highlight the reference database in the Database window.


Under Maintenance select Delete search booster. After you have deleted it set up a new file with Maintenance - Create search booster.