ChessBase 16

FAQ on activating / deactivating

FAQ on activating / deactivating

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FAQ on activating / deactivating

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Recent versions of our programs come with a serial number. After the program has been installed, it is absolutely necessary to activate the software by inputting this on our activation server. After the software installation the activation dialog box is automatically displayed. This is where – when connected to the internet – you enter the serial number.


Question: On how many computers can one install and activate, for example, the latest version of Fritz or ChessBase?


Answer: In principle it is possible to install, activate and then use each of our programs simultaneously on three different computers. That makes it possible for you to employ your software, e.g., on a desktop computer and a notebook!



Question: I have got a serial number for the chess server and the registration of a ChessBase Account. Although I am certain that the serial number is valid, it is not accepted when I enter it via My account – Enter serial number!


Answer: A valid serial number allows you to unlock an account only once. When the serial number has been used for an activation, its useful life is over and thus the serial number can no longer be used for further activations!



Question: I have bought a new computer. Whenever I want to activate a program with the serial number, I get the succinct reply, the “Serial number is in use”.


Answer: You absolutely have to make sure that when you change the configuration of your system or acquire a new computer that you have deactivated the program! By doing so you reset the number of times the serial number has been used and you can then input your serial number again when you have changed the configuration or bought a new computer.


The option for deactivation can be found under File – Activation – Deactivate!