ChessBase 16

Endgame probabilities

Endgame probabilities

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Endgame probabilities

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In the Reference view the program offers a preview of possible endgame probabilities for a selected opening variation.


When entering or replaying a game you can check the probability for different endgame types in the current opening variation.


This information is displayed after a click on the tab “Endgames”.




The bottom line of the graphic shows the frequently occurring types of endgame, the left-hand axis shows the percentage probability for the possible endgame constellations.


The following screenshot shows the program’s evaluation when considering the main line of the Advance Variation in the French Defence after the moves 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Qb6.




The user can see here that in the endgames which arise from this variation it is particularly frequently rook endings or bishop endings which are the result.


The value “Endgames” shows how high the percentage of games was which resulted in an endgame.