ChessBase 16

Customising the display of information

Customising the display of information

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Customising the display of information

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Problem:  In previous versions, the parameters chosen in the games list were the ones which were installed for all new databases. Thus if I chose for one database to hide the entries for team, White or source, these headings were automatically hidden whenever I set up a new database. After one of the most recent updates, these headings now appear in every new database. How can I hide these annoying headings once and for all?



Answer: Try to do so with the function “Hide all columns to right”.  Within the present session, then the information will also be hidden within new databases insofar as the new database is created during the same session. If you switch the computer off and then back on again, all the column headings will be displayed once more. Basically that is what is intended to happen. The user should be provided with the maximum amount of information.