ChessBase 14

What do the two diagrams in the LiveBook window mean?

What do the two diagrams in the LiveBook window mean?

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What do the two diagrams in the LiveBook window mean?

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The left (or upper) diagram shows the most popular position, i.e. the position that is being analysed by the most visitors. The right (or lower) diagram shows positions that have been reported as discovered or won in the Chat window.


Info boards


Clicking on a won/discovered message in the Chat windows displays this position. This position can be copied into the main board (Home - Paste Position). Then the moves of the variation can be played backwards, if they are known to the system.


If the first move of the engine variation leads to a position which also has a deeply analysed engine move this is added to the "main line". This is repeated until no more positions are found or a length of 10 half moves is reached.