ChessBase 14

Games subscriptions

Games subscriptions

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Games subscriptions

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The login is automatic. If you have already registered your weekly games updates under your ChessBase account, there is no more you need to do.


Everything works as previously.




Start the Download in the database window the button “New Games ”.




If, however, you still have an old access method (email + password) for games updates, there are now two possibilities:


a. To login in the old access manner, you must first log off from your CB access. You will find in the panel another button “Use Old Login Data”.

In the dialog box, enter your old access data.




Logging in then continues as it did previously.


b. But you can also transfer your previous update subscriptions on to your CB access. You will find a button in the panel for this too. For that you must be logged in with your CB account to which you wish to transfer the subscriptions. Enter your old data into the dialog box.



After confirmation, all subscriptions will be transferred to CB access.


If you no longer remember your password, you can request that a new one for your old access be sent to your email address.


Please note that in order to call up this dialog you must first log off from CB access. (see a )