ChessBase 14

Correspondence chess management

Correspondence chess management

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Correspondence chess management

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See also ICCF Chess Server ....


ChessBase has extensive management functions for correspondence chess players. It will look after correspondence games, keep track of progress, present them in the best way possible, print out cards, and send email to your opponents.




These are the available functions:


DO-IT    To start a correspondence game you must first fill out the correspondence header for the game:

Board window: Insert – Annotations – Special annotation – Correspondence chess header (Ctrl-Alt-W)


DO-IT    For each move you are going to send you must enter a correspondence move commentary:

Board window: Insert – Annotations – Special annotation – Correspondence move (Ctrl-W)


DO-IT    To send a correspondence chess move click:

Board window: Menu FilePrint – Print Correspondence card.


DO-IT    To get a report on the status of the game click:

Board window: File – Print – Print Correspondence report.


DO-IT    To e-mail a correspondence move or report click:

Board window: Menu File– Send – Send correspondence move/report.


Note: The correspondence header only needs to be entered once for a game, but every move of the game must get a “correspondence move” commentary. This keeps track of the time spent by each side. When you have executed a move for yourself and inserted the correspondence move commentary you can print out the letter or postcard you send to your opponent.


How to play a correspondence game

This is basically how you start and maintain a correspondence game:


    Click the New game button or press Ctrl-N.

    Press Ctrl-Alt-W to get the header mask. Fill out the header form as explained in the next sections.

    Enter your opponent’s first move (e.g. 1.e4)

    Press Ctrl-W and fill out the commentary form.

    Save the game (Ctrl-S) and ponder your reply.

    Load the game and enter your move (e.g. 1...e5).

    Press Ctrl-W and fill out the commentary form.

    Click File – Print – Print Correspondence card. Mail the card to your opponent.

[Alternately click File – Send – Send correspondence move if you are playing by E-mail]

    Replace the game (Ctrl-R) in the database.


Special games list for correspondence games

    In the games list of your correspondence database you find special correspondence columns: Last Move, Move sent, Time White, Time Black. On the games list use right-click – List Format – Correspondence Info to make those columns visible.


Correspondence Notation

ChessBase supports entering games and printing in correspondence notation. Just type 5254 in the starting position. To switch to correspondence notation, call Menu Tools – Options – Notation – 1.4244.


Question: Why is there no shortcut for the option “Send correspondence chess move by E-Mail”?


Answer: You can create a keyboard shortcut yourself via „Customize“.




You can find this on the programme’s file menu.