Note on deactivation
Almost all of our programs are supplied with a serial number. To be able to use the software, it is essential that you legitimize and activate your installation by entering the serial number.
The activation dialog is displayed immediately after installation. You can activate the software at any time via the File menu and deactivate it when you change computers.
Menu File - Activation - Activate/Deactivate.
You can activate and use each of our programs with the same serial number on three different computers at the same time. If this limit is reached, no further activation is possible. The activation server will give a specific message: "the serial number is already in use....."
You should therefore deactivate ChessBase installations that you no longer need. Reasons for deactivation could be a change of computer, a change of system configuration or a sale of the computer.
If you want to use Fritz again later on a computer on which you have deactivated it, you can of course reactivate it at any time with the same serial number, provided that the serial number is not already active on three other computers.
Activation requires admin status. In rare cases, you may be asked to enter the serial number again when restarting a program, for example ChessBase. In this case, proceed as follows.
In the program directory you will find the file "ChessBaseAdminTool.exe" This application is started automatically after the activation of the program and informs you about the activation status of the installed programs.
If you have problems with the activation, you can start the program directly by double-clicking on the exe file in the program directory.
Activate starts the dialog for activating a program. Now enter the serial number again and confirm with OK.