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Coloured highlights in the repertoire

Coloured highlights in the repertoire

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Coloured highlights in the repertoire

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By using various coloured highlights and special symbols you can directly decide whether a move belongs to your White or Black repertoire. The following indications help you with the classification of a move which is being displayed, e.g. in LiveBook.




Blue = the move belongs to your White repertoire


Green = the move belongs to your Black repertoire


Turquoise  = the move is played with both colours.


*” = marked as ‘My Move’.


**” = marked as ‘important move’


The display of LiveBook in the various web applications follows the same principle in the browser.




Here too, you can recognise the relevance of a move for your own repertoire by means of the coloured highlighting. With Black (green) 1… c6 is played. The move is highlighted. The White repertoire (blue) contains a system against 1… e6. At some later point in the variation there will be a move highlighted for White.