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A tip for Full analysis

A tip for Full analysis

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A tip for Full analysis

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The function “Full analysis” on Fritz&Co produces a complete analysis of one or several games, including variations, textual commentary and also even opening references.


The analysis also contains indications of games which were played with that opening system. In order for the program to be able to produce opening references, you must first specify in the settings dialog the path to the database which the program will use as a reference database or which contains the desired information about the openings.




With the help of a large reference database the program is able to classify the opening played in the game, integrate recent games for comparison and indicate the position at which the game being analysed diverges from opening theory.


When, despite the provision of a reference database, the program does not make use of it and provides no opening hints, what is the reason? During the setting up of the reference database the program requires an existing opening classification!


If no openings key is present in the database you have defined as your reference database, the program cannot produce a reference. It is simple to check whether the chosen reference database contains an openings classification: in the database window you click on the tab “Openings”.


If there should be no openings classification, the program automatically offers to classify them by means of a pre-existing key. For example, by clicking on “Select key” you can install an openings key from the included games database or from one of the supplementary databases. An openings key always has the file extension *.CKO; this default setting is automatically taken into the dialog under “File name”. If for your full analysis you define either the Big- or MegaBase as reference database, there will be no problems since these databases are classified with a precisely structured opening key.