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The right mouse button

The right mouse button

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The right mouse button

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Use of the right mouse button has been logically integrated in Fritz.


You can use the right mouse button for more than just accessing context menus, e.g. right click Chess board – Board design.


There are other ways of making use of it.



Easy Game - Calculation Training


After activating Calculation training you can then input further moves on the chess board, but the actual position on the board does not change. So the user does see the follow-up moves to the variations he is calculating in the notation, but not on the graphic chess board. Like this, you can at any time during critical phases of the game train your calculation of variations in a targeted fashion. By clicking within the notation you can start calculating alternative variations at a different point and in this way you can produce complete variation trees with alternative branches.


What is especially recommended is to activate the function whenever the program draws your attention to a tactical possibility. (“There is something here …”).


A right click on the chess board allows you to have direct control over the final position calculated.