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Chess films

Chess films

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Chess films

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The Graphics Interchange Format (abbreviation: GIF) is a popular data format for coloured images. It makes possible an extensively loss-free compression of the images and thus is in frequent use on the internet.


In addition, it is possible to save several individual images in one file, which appropriate viewing programs such as web browsers are able to interpret as an animation, in other words a film.


In doing so the individual images are played one after the other with a time delay by the browsers or view-ers. This makes possible the broadcast of short film-like files and for that reason animated GIFs are very common.


The program offers the option of generating in the form of an animated film the notation of a game. That allows the presentation of interesting games in the different social networks.


This option in the board window from the menu bar under File – Publish this game.




The program plays through the individual sequences of moves in the notation and offers the user the pos-sibility of saving the animated GIF file. This file can be used in Twitter, What’s App, etc.


Alternatively you can export the notation from the program as an animated film in the MP4 format.




In the settings dialog which is displayed you can specify the pathway and resolution of the film, the game headers are taken over as standard as the name for the file which is to be generated.


In addition in the dialog box you can fix the speed of replay for each move, set here at three seconds per move. The result of your export is first displayed in a preview window.


The procedure for producing films in the 3D format is in principle identical. There the user has additional functions available to him or her in order to set the camera angle for the ani-mation. Be aware that in order to generate the 3D files or the Raytracing views the process can take some time, according to the performance of your computer. This is especially the case for the production of a film with the realistic 3D Raytracing view!