ChessBase 15

Player encyclopedia

Player encyclopedia

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Player encyclopedia

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The ChessBase DVD contains a player encyclopedia with pictures and data for more than 120,000 international tournament players.


The encyclopedia is also online!


You can automatically update the player encyclopedia that you have installed. We regularly publish an updated version of the encyclopedia with new players and updated Elo ratings. Depending on your settings the program accesses the encyclopedia on the server and updates the enclyclopedia that you have stored locally.


See ...





It is installed automatically with the program.


DO-IT   Search in the player encyclopedia

You can browse directly in the encyclopedia for players, ranking lists, etc.


DO-IT    Photo pane in the board window

Call Menu Window – Panes – Photos in the board window to display pictures and flags of the players in a loaded game. If you click on one of the photos the ID-Card of that player appears.




DO-IT    The Player dossier

In this function ChessBase uses the encyclopedia to display pictures and the data of the player.


DO-IT    Additional information in the Player index

In the player index, the flags, elo numbers, titles, etc. come from the Player Encyclopedia. You can switch this off with View – Use Encyclopedia in the player index menu.


DO-IT    Entry help in the Save mask

When you are entering the names of players you can type in part of it and then click the question mark button to the right of the entry line. A list of names appears from which you can choose the correct one.


DO-IT    Entry help in the Player index

When you are editing players' names in the player index you can use the question mark button to consult the player encyclopedia, making it easier to get the spelling right. This is useful to standardize spellings.


See also Player Encyclopedia as List .......