ChessBase 14

Tactical analysis

Tactical analysis

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Tactical analysis

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ChessBase 14 offers in the form of “Tactical analysis” an extra function for automatically checking games for mistakes and tactical inaccuracies.


Board window – Analysis – Tactical analysis




In addition the program adds comments and takes into account the following factors:


Opening theory


Tactical motifs such as strong moves, combinations, sacrifices and double attacks


Mistakes, things missed or other critical turning points within the game


Weak moves which were not played (why can I not take the piece?), often going on to give the tactical refutation


Threats and attacking motifs


Defensive ideas, initiative, attack, manoeuvres, endgame classification and illogical game results


You fix the settings in the dialog “Tactical analysis”.


Time settings


The entries are self-evident, the entry “Training” makes the program embed in the notation training questions, which are included when the game is played through. The thinking time should not be set too high so that the analysis can be carried out briskly.


On a fast modern computer you receive plausible and reliable results for this form of analysis even with short thinking times. Five to eight seconds per move put you on the safe side here.


Be aware that in the setup dialog the program makes a recommendation for the time setting.


The games are annotated with variations, text, diagrams and commentary symbols.




With this function you can analyse in one go several games from a database.


Mark the games you wish to analyse in the games list with Ctrl + mouse click and then open the context menu with a right click.


Several games