ChessBase 14

Networked Analysis

Networked Analysis

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Networked Analysis

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Whoever wants to easily climb up the Let's Check Honour List should temporarily "contribute" his engine to the community. The system thinks like one global worldwide chess brain about positions that seem to be interesting to people at the moment, or which may become interesting soon. If you have logged into the Let's Check server the positions may be conquered by you or even discovered for the first time


Analysis - Contribute Engine


Contribute Engine


After this function has been started the engine that the user has "contributed" is used for the analysis of positions that are picked by the server. The server chooses positions based on different criteria, such as their current interest. By using "Contribute Engine" you are aiding in the creation of an online book for other users.


It is possible to abort this function at any time. You can do this by closing the window, starting a new game, or by clicking on the "Contribute Engine" button a second time.


It is also possible to suggest positions for analysis.


Submit position


These positions are presented to the „contributed“ engines. Whoever contributes an engine collects „credits“. If your credits account is in the plus positions that you suggest for analysis are treated with a high priority, and they are chosen sooner, Even if you have overdrawn your credits account you can suggest any number of positions, but they will be put at the end of the queue and may even expire before it’s their turn.