ChessBase 14

Calculation training

Calculation training

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Calculation training

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Calculation training can be switched on at any time during a game with one click of the mouse.


Here is an example:




Fritz has just moved the black queen to a8. What might happen if white were to simply sacrifice a piece on b5? Of course, you could just try it out in the game as the program allows moves to be taken back. A more effective practice, however, would be to try out the variations in Assisted Calculation.


You simply enter the variations on the board whilst the position of the real game remains unchanged. In the notation you receive additional information as to how the program evaluates the position. By clicking again on Calculation Training you return directly back to the board where you can continue with the game. This function offers the user a valuable support function for schooling the exact calculation of variations, one of the most important prerequisites for successful tournament chess.