ChessBase 14

Gaviota EGTB files

Gaviota EGTB files

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Gaviota EGTB files

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The program integrates the Gaviota EGTB probing code © Miguel A. Ballicora + theNalimov EGTB probing code © Eugene Nalimov.


Gaviota EGTB

For the Gaviota EGTB support you'll need to download the Gaviota EGTB files. At the time of writing this text they are available for download at the address


Download all 145 files and save them in a directory on your hard disk. The total disk space required is about 7 GB.


Menu File - Options - TableBases Gaviota


The location of the Gaviota EGTB files is specified in the TbPath option.


Set path