ChessBase 14

Correspondence move

Correspondence move

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Correspondence move

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Board window: Game – Annotation – Special annotation – Correspondence move (Ctrl-W)


DO-IT   Received, replied, stamped

Here you can enter when you (or your opponent) received the postcard or the E-mail, when the reply was made and when the postcard was stamped. To calculate the time used (to print on the postcard) ChessBase will only use the days from “Received” and “Stamped”. “Replied” is only for your information. The times in the right column are only activated if you have activated Use time in the correspondence header.


DO-IT   Penalty / set manually

According to the rules of correspondence chess there is a penalty of subtracting some days from your time account if you overstep the time allocation for a move without previously informing your opponent. These penalty days are entered here. ChessBase will take them into account when calculating the time controls. You can also override the rule and set a value manually.


DO-IT   1st / 2nd repetitions

Keeps track of move repetitions.


DO-IT   Offer/accept/refuse draw, resign

If you activate any of these the information will be stored in the game and printed on the postcard.


DO-IT  Move is unclear

Sometimes the opponent’s move may be ambiguous, or it may be illegible. Activate this to inform him of the circumstance.


DO-IT   Time overstepped – this checkbox is automatically activated when ChessBase sees that the time limit was exceeded.


DO-IT    Propose move / "If-moves" – in order to propose a continuation for your opponent you must execute the move on the board and click this checkbox for that move. You have to enter your reply as well (the point of proposing a move). You can enter a whole series of moves, or propose a number of alternatives, always marking the opponent’s move as a proposal – but not your own, which can remain without commentary. The dates will be ignored. Before you print out the card you must go to the position in which you actually execute your next move. ChessBase will print out the card with your move and the proposal(s).