ChessBase 14

Standard engine and Heumas

Standard engine and Heumas

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Standard engine and Heumas

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Menu File – Options – Engines





Select your standard engine and the hash table size (ChessBase will suggest a reasonable value for this).


See also Default Engine ....




Heumas is the move input assistant and is itself a small, fast chess engine. You can switch it off if you want. "Heumas Ply" determines how deep Heumas looks into the position. With depth the quality improves, but this also requires more processing power.


Heumas Ply sets the search depth for the Heumas function.
Assisted Analysis: switches on or off this analysis function.
Legal moves carries out a search for legal moves.
Singe click-entry: This corresponds to what in older versions was the version of the Heumas function which was implemented. This works with or without Assisted Analysis. With Assisted Analysis the function can be activated with a right click while holding down the left mouse button. Should Assisted Analysis be deactivated, then instead of it the legal moves of a piece can be shown. In this case all the squares are highlighted alike, in grey. If a piece only has a single move, one-click entry can then be activated immediately.


Forced Moves entry: Insert the only possible move



Set a search depth for the threat animation in the board window.