ChessBase 14

Save Mask - Annotator and Teams

Save Mask - Annotator and Teams

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Save Mask - Annotator and Teams

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You reach the second page of the save mask by clicking the Annotator and Teams tab.




DO-IT   Annotator

If you have entered variations and text annotations you should type in your name here. ChessBase will automatically offer you the user name that is entered in the menu Tools – Options – User. A list of all annotators appears in the annotators index of a database.


DO-IT   White/Black teams

If a game is part of a team championship you should enter the names of the teams here. They are displayed in the teams index of the database.


DO-IT   Source

You can give a source for the game. If you want to do so properly you should click Details for the source edit dialog. The source is given in the source index of the database.


You can also set the Rating and the Game Title.