Playing for Ducats

Playing for Ducats

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Playing for Ducats

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Playing for Ducats has many applications:


As master you can automatically charge other players for your games.
As amateur you can offer masters a flat fee if you want to play against them.
Between even players you can simply play for a stake.


How to get Ducats:

You can order Ducats online. In the main online window call menu Account – Fill up account.


Fill up the account


Win Prices at private or official Ducats tournaments.


How to convert Ducats into real-world value:

Registered trainers can conclude a contract with ChessBase to convert Ducats into money, especially if they organize private training and simuls. ChessBase does not guarantee this contract automatically.

Other players can buy all ChessBase products at at a rate of 10 Ducats for 1 Euro.


Stake and Flat Fee

To play for Ducats, you offer a stake and a flat fee. The stake is what the winner gets. The flat fee is payed no matter what the result of the game. If you offer a game with a positive flat fee, your opponent pays you for the game. If you offer a negative flat fee, you pay your opponent.


Example: You challenge a grandmaster with a flat fee of -10 Ducats and a stake of 4 Ducats. The payments would be:

You win: You pay 6 Ducats to the grandmaster

Draw: You pay 10 Ducats

You lose: You pay 14 Ducats


See also Extended Membership ....